[A] highly informative tool-kit for understanding the exchange of knowledge and behaviour between people and is a must-read for anyone engaged in marketing and social media.
Collyn Ahart
It's fascinating, thought-provoking, and contains some really useful, practical structures around using data around a business to understand what sort of market you're in.
John V. Willshire
I'll Have What She's Having has profound implications for marketing. People are much less individual than we thought and much more influenced by other people than we realized.
John Kearon, Founder, CEO, and Chief Juicer, BrainJuicer Group PLC
This book is a very sophisticated treatment of the most critical influence on consumer decision-making. Every marketing plan must include this thinking in order to have a chance of being successful.
Robert Barocci, President and CEO, The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)
Our community of shared ideas and practices comes from a process of imitation we are loath to acknowledge. (In fact our sharing comes from stealing.) But let us not repeat the error here. Bentley, Earls, and O'Brien deserve our unstinting thanks for this thoroughly lively, elegant, intelligent, useful, and companionable book. I for one intend to borrow from it liberally. You should too.
Grant McCracken, anthropologist and author of Chief Culture Officer: How to Create a Living, Breathing Corporation
Social networks and the power of word of mouth are increasingly important today. If you have been looking for social influence models corresponding to rational decision theory and behavioral economics, this is the book for you. Insightful examples and innovative mapping of collective behavior make this a fun and must-read book.
Yoram (Jerry) Wind, Lauder Professor and Director of the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania