Many who study the effects of taxation on company finance find the issues relevant to multinational companies dauntingly complex. For them and other interested readers, Mintz and Weichenrieder provide a clear description of tax rules, a wealth of empirical evidence, and a menu of tax reform options that make these important issues more approachable.
Alan Auerbach, Director, Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance, and Professor of Economics and Law, University of California, Berkeley
Mintz and Weichenrieder provide a compelling analysis of international taxation and the corporate structure of multinationals. They extend the economic theory of FDI to explain why the exploitation of tax laws results in the use of conduit companies to channel investment to overseas affiliates and support their claims with extensive empirical analysis. This book is certain to provide the starting point for renewed interest in the economics of multinationals.
Gareth D. Myles, Professor of Economics, University of Exeter, and Research Fellow, Institute for Fiscal Studies