Downtown, Inc. is a solid book with plenty of background... [Its] densely detailed case studies celebrate flexibility and innovation on both sides of the increasingly blurry public-private debate.
Harold Henderson
Downtown, Inc. represents the most insightful commentary on up-to-the-minute urban development that has appeared to date. Moreover, this is a book in which the words 'government' and 'successful' actually appear in the same sentence.
Edward A. Schwartz
New York Times Book Review
Frieden and Sagalyn have captured, in an authoritative and impressive way, the most significant developments in American city building over the last 15 years.
Robert Wood, Henry R. Luce Professor of Democratic Institutions and the Social Order, Wesleyan University
An insightful analysis of downtown commercial redevelopment. Frieden and Sagalyn explore the process and effects of commercial revitalization with great wisdom and clarity.
Daniel P. Moynihan, United States Senator from New York
Successful cities have been the cutting edge of all successful societies. Downtown, Inc. is a very good analysis of what we know about what one does and does not do to create successful cities in the United States.
Lester Thurow, Department of Economics, MIT
Bernard Frieden and Lynne Sagalyn have written a most interesting account of the most interesting developments...They describe in this important contribution to urban studies how new mechanism for downtown developments were forged bringing together city governments and private developers, and brought to fruition developments in the 1980's more successful as contributions to urban life and diversity than the projects of earlier years.
Nathan Glazer