Likely to become a landmark.... In contrast to earlier physiologically inspired models of visual attention, this book whets our appetite for a new, richer, and fuller understanding of perception and its relation to conscious and unconscious mental processing.
Ken Nakayama
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
This is a delightful book by two renowned researchers. In addition to being a superb introduction to the study of perception and attention, it is full of novel and intriguing ideas about how the brain works.
V.S. Ramachandran, M.D., Ph.D, Director, Center for Brain and Cognition, University of California
What is the relationship between attention, perception, and consciousness? Mack and Rock have provided precious insights into a central question of natural philosophy—and offer some provocative answers.
Robert Rafal, M.D., Professor of Neurology, University of California
This is an important book. The inattentional blindness findings challenge a number of widely held assumptions about the nature of visual perception—assumptions concerned with the role of 'attention-free' (pre-attentive) processes. These assumptions are, of course, central to many current theories of perception, and, as a result, this book is going to play a pivotal role in future discussions about the interrelation among attention, perception, and consciousness. This book should be of enormous interest for anyone—psychologist, philosopher, or neuroscientist—interested in the nature of perceptual experience.
Daniel Reisberg, Department of Psychology, Reed College
This book reports a fascinating series of experiments exploring a phenomenon of considerable theoretical interest in the field of attention and more generally of perception and its relation to consciousness. The discussion of the findings is thoughtful and challenging. It makes a surprising and important contribution.
Anne Treisman, Department of Psychology, Princeton University
The book is full of important and intriguing findings...will no doubt play a central role in the growing literature suggesting that at any moment our conscious perception of the world is really quite limited even though we have the illusion that it is rich and detailed.
Keith Humphrey
Journal of Consciousness Studies