This guide to reference works on Asia represents the first attempt to present them in an integrated fashion without distinction as to place or language of publication. Of the 965 books and periodicals cited about two-thirds are in English, and about 140 are in Japanese. In addition to bibliographies, the guide lists encyclopedias, yearbooks, biographical dictionaries, atlases, gazetteers, and sources of statistical information.
The selection of reference works was made after the examination of contents or on the advice of specialists. The criteria for selection include the comprehensiveness, avoidance of overlapping with other works cited, and the quality of the work itself. There is an obviously modern bias to this guide with its concentration on problems of concern to modern Asia rather than traditional Asia, but materials have not been limited to those of a strictly comtemporary interest. The guide includes works published up to the end of 1970. Extended editions will appear at regular intervals in the future, and to facilitate this, the text has been transcribed on computer tape.
The countries and regions covered are: Asia, as a whole; Southern Asia, as a whole; Ceylon, India, Nepal, Pakistan; Southeast Asia, as a whole; Burma, Cambodia, Indochina (including Vietnam), Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia and Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand; East Asia, as a whole; China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia.