A seminal book, impressive in its range, skill, and depth. Sandra Braman is one among a vanishingly small number of scholars with the skill and theoretical imagination to 'think' the information policy fields together. An important book for researchers, students, and policymakers.
Steven J. Jackson, University of Michigan
This is stimulating work and, although the focus is upon US information policy and most of the examples are drawn from the USA, the conclusions and the lessons to be learnt are valid universally.
Professor T.D. Wilson, Editor-in-Chief
Information Research
Masterwork...complete control of the literature...
Donald M. Gillmor, University of Minnesota
An important reconceptualization of the policy landscape, putting communications and information policy at the center of power and control. Braman's revisionary arguments suggest new directions for research and advocacy in the public interest.
Pat Aufderheide, American University
Braman makes the case that the bureaucratic welfare state has a successor: the information state. She uses social theory to help us understand just what this new creature is.
Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard University
This book is an excellent and up-to-date review of information policies and related social issues in the United States from the standpoint of legal theory. It would be a good choice for a textbook or for ancillary reading for classes relevant to sociolegal issues and social change... A pleasure to read, it is valuable after reading as a reference work.... in this important and growing area of scholarship.... virtues include lucid writing on the basis of great erudition, coverage of many different issues within a fairly unified perspective, and the courage to offer at least as many questions as answers.... The author has [created] a vast but accessible source of ideas and information on an important sociotechnical topic, and she deserves the profound thanks of anyone who has the good judgment to read her book.
William Sims Bainbridge
Social Science Computer Review
an important and very well-documented book, a true reference manual or research tool... Although the book's contents are strictly contextualized in [the US], the conceptual framework and the type of approach it offers may be of great value for those who want to study the information mechanisms of other states and societies which already have a high level of information technology available, as is the case of Brazil.
Michel Thiollent
RECIIS: Electronic Journal of Communication, Information & Innovation in Health
Change of State is a deeply thought, deeply felt... account of information policy that takes the subject much more seriously than do many practitioners in the field.... In developing her argument, the author covers a tremendous amount of interdisciplinary ground. The bibliographic essays that accompany the text and the standard bibliography at the end are richly informative all by themselves.
Steven Aftergood
Secrecy News
Braman's organization and thorough treatment of each topic informs those new to the field of information policy, serving as a well-laid foundation from which to enter into any one of the discussions. Despite its comprehensive and exhaustive nature, and perhaps to some extent due to its precision, the text is accessible to graduate students just beginning their research into the field. At the same time, its almost encyclopedic wealth of information, sculpted and organized with Braman's insights and analyses, earns Change of State a place on the shelf of every serious scholar, researcher, and policy maker as a most welcome and essential resource.
Heather M. Crandall
The Review of Communication
Braman's analysis is unusual in going beyond legal implications of information policy to put the analysis in the broadest possible context of social theory.... the connections Braman makes are logical and enrich understanding of the nature and implications of the decisions governments make about information.
Karen Hogenboom
Government Information Quarterly
This is stimulating work and, although the focus is upon US information policy and most of the examples are drawn from the USA, the conclusions and the lessons to be learnt are valid universally.
T. D. Wilson
Information Research
This book... [exposes] the reader to new perspectives and methods for thinking about information policy.
Paul Jaeger
The Library Quarterly
Sandra Braman... has given the academic community the rarest of gifts: a timely analysis that is thorough, well-reasoned, and provocative.... Scholars of media law, international and development communication, political communication, communication theory, social influence, and communication technology would do well to take full advantage of the wealth of insight Braman offers.
Robert G. Magee
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
... this model could easily be a platform for subsequent studies by students and researchers, and facilitate dialogue between academics and policymakers engaged in this field.... Change of State certainly has something to offer, for the sheer volume of issues confronted, for the model of information policy analysis proposed, and as a trigger for further consideration of the problems Braman raises.
Ben O'Loughlin
Information Polity
If even only some of the problems of the informational state, as portrayed by Braman, come to pass then there is much to be garnered from [the US] case.... this book has the ability to provoke the reader into thinking more deeply about the issues it raises and, in that respect alone, it is a volume well worth reading.
Seamus Simpson
Telecommunications Policy
Valuable insight into the way the U.S. state (particularly under the administration of George W. Bush) has developed its information policies
Lee Salter
Global Media and Communication
This is an impressive and thoughtful volume with plenty of new notions.
Chris Sterling
Communication Booknotes Quarterly
Change of State provides an important new reframing of the field of information policy and its key issues. The synthesis of established issues like intellectual property with emerging concerns like borders and identity makes Braman's book a major contribution to contemporary debates. And its clear organization and accessible writing style will make it an indispensable introduction for students and nonspecialists alike.
Leah A. Lievrouw, Professor, Department of Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles