This book offers an interdisciplinary look at the acquisition, loss, and remediation of normal reading processes.
In the information age, reading is one of the most important cognitive skills an individual acquires. A scientific understanding of this skill is important to help optimize its acquisition and performance. This book offers an interdisciplinary look at the acquisition, loss, and remediation of normal reading processes. Its two main goals are to illustrate, through state-of-the-art examples, various approaches used by scientists to understand the complex skill of reading and its breakdown, and to stimulate innovative research strategies that combine these methods. The book is divided into five sections: normal adult reading and its development, developmental dyslexia, varieties of brain- damaged reading, neuroimaging, and computational modeling.
Marlene Behrmann, Derek Besner, Lori Buchanan, Thomas H. Carr, John C. DeFries, Jonathan B. Demb, Martha J. Farah, Helen Forsberg, John Gabrieli, Javier Gayan, Usha Goswami, Nancy Hilderbrandt, Betty Ann Levy, Maureen W. Lovett, G. E. MacKinnon, Michael E. J. Masson, Bruce D. McCandliss, Richard K. Olson, David C. Plaut, Russell A. Poldrack, Michael L. Posner, Keith Rayner
Bradford Books imprint