This is an excellent and sorely needed text. It has no serious competition.
Andrew Zimbalist, Professor, Smith College
This book is a first rate introduction to the economies of Latin America. It is a balanced and highly readable presentaion, broad ranging in the issues it covers, yet well grounded in modern theory; up to date in its factual description, yet it traces into the historical roots.
Joseph Ramos, CEPAL, Naciones Unidas, Santiago de CHILE
Well-written and highly analytical, this new text by Cardosa and Helwege seems destined to become the standard in Latin American economics courses. The bibliography is superb, the coverage is 'state of the art,' and the organization is logical. The sensitivity to the historical roots of underdevelopment, the dispassionate treatment of alternative views, and the careful attention to the issues of inflation and stabalization of all give this book a distinctive character. The closing chapters on solving the problems of the Latin American poor are especially innovative and useful. Sophisticated yet accessible, it is a book which will garner the confidence of economists even as it remains appropriate for more general area studies classes.
Manuel Pastor, Professor, Department of Economics, University of California at Berkeley
At last, an accurate, readable, and interesting book on Latin American economic development and its problems; both students of Latin America and general readers should be sure to get a copy.
Stanley Fischer, Professor, Department of Economics, MIT
The Cardoso-Helwege book will surely become the standard basic book on Latin American economics, comprehensive and sophisticated enough to be a text in economics or area of studies courses adn sufficiently well written to retain the interest of the fabeled intelligent layman who simply wants to learn about the subject. It is an unusual book, since it is accessible at various levels. The student and the layman wil not find it hard to digest, while the professional economist will recognize the deepness and carefulness of the arguments.
Richard S. Eckaus, Professor, Department of Economics, MIT
A first rate book on economics of Latin America. Cardoso adn Helegwe have managed to present a difficult and often tragic economic experience in a lucid and lively way. Hihgly recommendable for students and non-specialists alike. I will certainly recommend it to my students!
Sebastian Edwards, Professor, Department of Ecnomics, University of California, Los Angeles
My overall reaction to this text is one of admiration: it is a solid piece of work, backed by an extensive bibliography, and is very current. A book of this level and caliber is long overdue.
Don Coes, Professor, Latin American Institute, The University of New Mexico
This is precisely the book that I have been waiting for. It is completely up to date, it deals with the most important questions, and the authors explain complex economic issues in simple and helpful ways, without loss of rigour orgenerality.
David Hojman
Journal of Latin American Studies
An important book...Few other single-volume surveys of theregion have so skillfully brought to our attention the complex tapestry ofmodern Latin American political economy.
Antonia Jorge and Paul Moncarz
Journal of Developing Areas
Cardoso and Helwege's text is remarkably well balanced. It is rare to find such a reasoned account of such ideologically-charged issues as the cause of inflation and prescriptions for alleviating poverty and accelerating growth.
Frances Hagopian, Associate, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University