Most work in metaphysics concentrates on the more abstract kinds of entities- substances, universals and events. Casati and Varzi explore the ins and outs of the metaphysics of holes, one of the lesser kinds- with brio, much learning lightly worn and a number of excellent arguments and distinctions.
Kevin Mulligan, University of Geneva
Focussed on the problematic otology of the holes as morphological accidents of shapes, spatioal individuals and dependent 'superficial' particulars, Roberto Casati's and Achille Varzi's Holes and Other Superficialities gives an outstanding example of the richness of the new intersection between philosophy and cognitive science. It shows acutely how ideal spatial properties, which depend mathematically on algebraic topology, differential geometry and morphology, can be integrated in phenomenological descriptions (including formal ontology and mereology), Gestalt theory and conceptual structures. Its implications will be far reaching for the investigation of the 'terra incognita' that space congnition still is.
Professor Jean Petitot, CREA, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
A brilliant demonstration of the powers of qualitative, topology-based reasoning as a tool for gaining a new and feeper understanding of the structures of the common-sense world.
Barry Smith, Department of Philosophy and Center for Cognitive Science SUNY Buffalo
This is a highly original book, which explores the nature and properties of common yet puzzling objects, holes. Its creative approach egenders new problems, and casts new light on basic issues in logic, ontology and epistimology.
Avrum Stroll, Professor of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego