Berthold K. P. Horn, a leading researcher in the area of human and machine vision for many years, has written an excellent textbook on the subject, which is emminently accessible to engineers, teachers, and scientists working in the vision area. The book follows a rigorous mathematical framework, beginning with the physics of image formation, and drawing on the most recent computational theories of human/machine perception of lightness, shape, movement, and depth, concluding with chapters devoted to realistic applications in automated navigation and industrial robotics.
Al Bovik, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
Robot Vision presents a coherent development, from image formation, through image analysis to scene analysis. The remarkable achievement of this book is that it serves both as a personal statement of the Horn school of vision and as a textbook. Every scientist and engineer involved with computational vision should read it, carefully!
Alan K. Mackworth, Professor, University of British Columbia
This book is an absolute must for any researcher claiming to be interested in computer vision.
Eric L. Grimson, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT
Robot Vision is an impressive excellent introduction to the field and the first book to thoroughly cover the mathematics of computer vision.
Charles Thorpe
American Scientist
A very good book indeed, probably the best currently available on robot vision and related topics....a valuable reference workfor researchers in this field.
T.M. Husband
Times Higher Education Supplement