... destined to become as famous and controversial as the seminal studies it cites, re-evaluates, and critiques.
Journal of Economic Issues
[D]iscrimination in mortgage markets is an extremely important issue... an essential contribution to our understanding of this problem.
Journal of Economic Literature
[T]he authors provide important guidance for improving the quality of research into discrimination in mortgage lending.
Public Administration Review
[T]he entire lending industry...would unmistakably benefit from considering the author's conclusions and policy suggestions.
Journal of Affordable Housing
[T]he value of the book is that it brings much needed analytical clarity to the mortgage lending discrimination debate.
Contemporary Sociology
This is a splendid book. Ross and Yinger have synthesized the economic theories of mortgage market discrimination and the empirical evidence on its magnitude in the American mortgage market. The result is a model of careful research and judicious analysis on an important topic.
John M. Quigley, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
This book provides the most comprehensive review to date of what we know and do not know about mortgage lending discrimination. More importantly, it offers readily available tools that fair lending enforcement agencies can utilize to insure that all applicants will be treated in a fair and equitable manner, free from any fear of racial discrimination.
Gregory D. Squires, Department of Sociology, George Washington University
Ross and Yinger use their clever conceptual and empirical analyses to cut through the rhetorical fog obscuring the issue of mortgage market discrimination. Their pathbreaking test for discrimination provides the foundation for the next generation of research and enforcement initiatives.
George Galster, Hilberry Professor of Urban Affairs, Wayne State University