...[A] persuasive argument for the kind of multilateral approach to fighting terrorism for which the Bush administration has shown...disdain.
Ethan Bronner
The New York Times Book Review
Professor Heymann's cool-headed and incisive analysis offers sane and sensible guidelines for coping with terrorism without losing the cherished principles of a democratic society. This book is must reading for decision makers and the general public alike.
Ariel Merari, Head of the Political Violence Research Unit, Tel Aviv University
This unusually pragmatic approach to combating terrorism comes from a leading, internationally recognized expert in and teacher of criminal law. I recommend it highly to those involved or interested in the fight against this scourge which so deeply affects our lives and freedom. Its clear style will appeal to lay and professional readers.
Richard Goldstone, Justice, Constitutional Court of South Africa, and Chairperson, International Bar Association International Task Force on Terrorism
Philip Heymann demonstrates that while states are improving their own mechanisms to control terrorism, adequate security in the future depends on a far broader range of measures requiring shared goals, popular support, international cooperation, and new global institutions.
Luis Moreno Ocampo, Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Court
Heymann's indictment of the Bush administration's political irresponsibility is thus all the more compelling because of its dispassionate, precise articulation.
Michael Stern
The American Lawyer
Philip B. Heymann may rightly count among the foremost experts on counterterrorism policy in the United States.
Mathieu Deflem
Law & Politics Book Review
The legal and political analysis is sound.
Publisher's Weekly
This book is a judicious and systematic guide to the various policy options at each stage of counterterrorism.
Lawrence D. Freedman
Foreign Affairs
Philip Heymann's book stands out for its restrained authority and measured judgement.
Anthony Dworkin
This well-researched and well-written book exposes the hypocrisy and deception that lie behind the reversal of the 'no dual use' nonproliferation policy, a reversal likely to diminish long-term prospects for preventing the spread of nuclear weapons throughout the world.
Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-MA), senior Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Task Force on Nonproliferation
Terrorism, Freedom, and Security presents a powerful argument that not only explains why declaring a 'war' on terrorism was unwise but also presents a compelling case for relying on intelligence and law enforcement rather than military force and coercion. Phil Heymann is unequivocal in his defense of democratic values as the core of an effective American national policy for preventing terrorism. His book, grounded in knowledge of American policy as well as the experiences of other countries, is an essential foundation for the public debate we must have about the costs and benefits of alternative strategies for combating terrorism.
Martha Crenshaw, Colin and Nancy Campbell Professor of Global Issues and Democratic Thought, Wesleyan University
Philip Heymann has shown again in Terrorism, Freedom, and Security why he is one of the leading thinkers in the world on the subject of terrorism. In this brief but extraordinary book, he has laid out the old and the new, the problems and the pitfalls, the challenges and the opportunities. He has given us a sober and broad set of responses, but clearly pointed out that there are no silver bullets. And most importantly, he has reminded us that we must not forfeit our democratic values in defense of our democracy.
Rand Beers, former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Combating Terrorism, National Security Council, 2002-2003
In his latest book, Philip Heymann speaks brilliantly to the issues: terrorism is not a temporary threat. As such, we must not allow terrorists to impose their agenda on American political and economic life. Professor Heymann's most compelling characterization of our national security predicament comes in his persuasive explanation that the very solutions we devise to thwart terrorism may, in the end, exacerbate an already volatile world situation.
General Barry R. McCaffrey, USA (Ret), Bradley Professor of International Security, United States Military Academy, former Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy