This is the textbook that public economists have been waiting for. Hindriks and Myles present an up-to-date look at the core material in public finance, welfare economics, and collective choice theory, and delve into a number of areas of recent research. Without sacrificing formal theory, the authors present the material in a way that is well motivated, policy-relevant, and a pleasure to read.Suitable for any senior undergraduate or first graduate course, this book merits serious consideration by every instructor in the field.
Michael Smart, Department of Economics, University of Toronto
Here, at last, is a text that methodically unites the traditional normative principles of public economies with the recent emphases on the positive approaches to government behavior and on imperfect information as a source of both market and government failure. The material is accesible to students and gives a balanced and well-inormed view of the field.
Robin Boadway, Queen's University, Canada
Intermediate Public Economics sets a new standard as a comprehensive text in public economic theory for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. It combines clear and concise coverage of traditional topics, such as public goods, the theory of taxation, and externalities, with engaging and up-to-date discussions of more specialized topics such as political economy, fiscal federalism, and the effect of taxation on economic growth.
James M. Poterba, Mitsui Professor of Economics, MIT