Critical Vehicles documents Wodiczkio's extensive interrogation of urban environments. His work represents a search for a form of public art that does not amount to corporate or beureaucratic decoration, for instrumentation that is not based on the assurances of the military-entertainment complex, and for an idea of citizenship other than those based on liberal rights or Christian fraternity. It is a book for our times.
John Rajchman, College International de Philosophie
Krzysztof Wodiczko's public artworks bring the city to life. Statues, monuments and buildings speak, questioning power and even declaring rights. The writing in Critical Vehicles place this poetic, disquieting art within the most urgent political project of our time: the struggle to extend democracy by interropting certitudes about the meaning of social life. A stunning book.
Rosalyn Deutsche, author of Eviction: Art and Spatial Politics
Krzysztof Wodiczko provides a powerful, and at times entertaining, picture of the artist as a protagonist in the democratic process. Critical Vehicles is a much-needed compilation of the artist's writings and interviews that accompany his politically charged public projects.
Tom Eccles, Director, Public Art Fund