Starting today, and ending on June 1st, we’re offering a 50% discount on Boston Review books excluding Conflict in Ukraine. Read below for some more info on a few of the titles!
The MIT Press has been publishing the Boston Review Books series, in partnership with the Boston Review, since 2006. Because of its design and size, this series has always been unique among the other books we publish: Boston Review Books are small and slim, just a couple inches larger than a postcard, with hard covers but no jackets. Many of them have grown out of pieces that appeared in the Boston Review, and all aim to provide serious discussion of current ideas.
For example, the series has covered such disparate topics as climate engineering (A Case for Climate Engineering) and—another political conflict—the crisis in Syria (The Syria Dilemma), as well issues that feel more personal, like immigration reform (Border Wars and Immigrants and the Right to Stay) and mass incarceration in the U.S. (Race, Incarceration, and American Values).
These volumes give a critical and enlightening look at topics you’ve probably heard a lot about, but only superficially. They’re also the kind of book that’s especially tempting to pick up at conferences (although all books are tempting at conferences) because you can read the whole thing on the flight home.
The latest Boston Review Book, Conflict in Ukraine, is different. It’s both larger and longer than the other books in the series, so the authors took the opportunity to go into a lot more depth about a complex topic that’s still unfolding. Everything in the book is new and original—the authors worked with the editors at Boston Review, but none of this book was published there first. Plus, we gave it a jacket.
The book gives historical context and discusses implications for economies, politics, and security. In all, it’s an accessible and thorough overview of the current conflict in Ukraine. In that way, although it doesn’t look like them, it’s still in line with the other books in the series.
For 50% off Boston Review books (except Conflict in Ukraine), use code MBR50 at checkout.
Bonus: Watch A Case for Climate Engineering’s author David Keith on The Colbert Report.]