Category: Computer Science

Happy 25th Birthday, HAL!

Happy 25th Birthday, HAL!

David G. Stork, Rambus fellow and editor of HAL’s Legacy, celebrates the birthday of science fiction’s most famous computer.

National Robotics Week: The Technological Singularity

National Robotics Week: The Technological Singularity

Robotic technologies that we once only saw in the realm of science fiction are quickly becoming reality. Advancements continue to push forward at a dizzying rate, demonstrating a broad array of possibilities and uses for the technology. Artificial limbs, healthcare, national security, communication, and even artificial intelligence programs are just some of the ways robotic technologies have been integrated into our everyday lives.

ENIAC’s Birthday

ENIAC’s Birthday

On February 15th 1946, ENIAC (the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the world’s first programmable electronic computer made its debut. Thomas Haigh, author of the recently released ENIAC in Action, discusses the milestone and its significance.