It is holiday time again. Yes. Holiday time.
As ever, your friends here at the MIT Press are working tirelessly to find fun ways to remind you of our wares, new ones and those from the distant (or not so distant) past. And we want to give you the chance to be winners, too!
So we’re taking advantage of Twitter’s new poll capability and announcing our first-ever frontlist/backlist #holidaythrowdown. Every weekday from Black Friday until the end of the month, we’re matching up a frontlist title against a backlist title on Twitter (@mitpress). Pick your favorite, and remember to tweet your vote along with the hashtag #holidaythrowdown. We’ll tally the results, and one lucky voter will win a copy of the most popular book! Don’t worry, we’ll cover the breadth of our publishing lists, which means you can expect polls about items both popular and nerdy. (Because, you know, when are we not nerdy?)
Ready? Set? THROWDOWN.