Today is Independent Bookstore Day! Nationally, we are supported by dozens of indie stores and hundreds of intelligent and hard-working booksellers. Without them we would be pressed to get our books into the hands of our readers. Here in Cambridge, we are lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful independent bookstores that are thriving in our communities. In celebration, we asked some of our local booksellers to share their experience with selling MIT Press books, and below you’ll also find a complete list of Independent Bookstore Day activities happening all around Greater Boston.
From our indie booksellers
“I consider [MIT Press] books when it comes to how people grapple with new information and technology, more the social cost and less the actual tech. With how new and crazy everything seems to be, it’s great to have a reliable institution like theirs still on the cutting edge and still dedicated to the craft of physical print. They always do something fun with their books which helps makes their content more enjoyable and engaging. Communism for Kids is actually next on my list.” – Travis Cohen, Brookline Booksmith
“One of our booksellers recently reviewed I Love Dick by Chris Kraus for our staff picks and that has sold really well. A Landscape History of New England is a title that customers ask for during the holidays, and yes, Building Old Cambridge is a title that we keep in stock regularly. We have seen an increase in customers asking for architecture and urban planning titles, so we’ll look to your selection to bring some of your titles into the store!” – Clarissa Hadge, Trident Booksellers and Cafe
“Exploring the limits of knowledge, deeply understanding the mundane technologies that fill our daily lives, or even just finding out how the street you live on got there (if you live in Cambridge like us, at least), MIT Press always has great books for those curious about our world. Independent bookstores are about starting and maintaining conversations, and there is a great conversation in every MIT Press book we carry.” – Josh Cook, Porter Square Books
What’s happening in Greater Boston today
Each of the bookstores listed below will have special, limited edition items for sale on Saturday. Make sure you get to your favorite store early!
Join Brookline Booksmith for treats, scavenger hunts, and prizes
At Harvard Book Store you can write a love note to bookstores and shop bookseller recommendations
Author Min Jin Lee will be speaking at Papercuts J. P., and you can also enjoy mimosas and cupcakes
Porter Square Books is celebrating connections this year. Enjoy the matchmaking bulletin board, get photos with a local celebrity, and also get free audiobooks
Trident Booksellers and Cafe will be bringing back it’s ever popular Bookstore Scavenger Hunt
Join Newtonville Books for a character-filled storytime, and make your own Golden book
Wellesley Books is hosting a Dr. Seuss brunch for all ages, and later in the day a Hamilton Happy Hour for adults
Belmont Books is a new brick-and-mortar that isn’t quite open yet, but you can purchase books at a 20% discount on their website