Organization of Human Brain Mapping 2023

The MIT Press @ OHBM 2023

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Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data

F. Gregory Ashby

September 17, 2019


Giosuè Baggio

May 10, 2022


Peter A. Bandettini

February 25, 2020

The Cortex and the Critical Point

John M. Beggs

August 30, 2022


Moheb Costandi

August 19, 2016


Fergus Craik, Larry Jacoby

February 14, 2023

The Neurocognitive Theory of Dreaming

G. William Domhoff

October 4, 2022

Gradient Expectations

Keith L. Downing

July 18, 2023

How Your Brain Works

Greg Gage, Tim Marzullo

October 25, 2022

Picturing the Mind

Simona Ginsburg, Eva Jablonka, Anna Zeligowski

February 1, 2022

How Not to Study a Disease

Karl Herrup

March 7, 2023


Nicholas Humphrey

March 14, 2023


Tiffany J. Hwu, Jeffrey L. Krichmar

November 29, 2022

Changing Connectomes

Marcus Kaiser

September 8, 2020

Of Sound Mind

Nina Kraus

September 27, 2022

Bayesian Models of Perception and Action

Wei Ji Ma, Konrad Paul Kording, Daniel Goldreich

August 8, 2023

Sculptor and Destroyer

Mark P. Mattson

August 22, 2023

Active Inference

Thomas Parr, Giovanni Pezzulo, Karl J. Friston

March 29, 2022

The Entangled Brain

Luiz Pessoa

November 15, 2022

Changing How We Choose

A. David Redish

December 6, 2022

Causal Inference

Paul R. Rosenbaum

April 4, 2023

The Deep Learning Revolution

Terrence J. Sejnowski

October 23, 2018

Just in Time

G. Gabrielle Starr

June 6, 2023

Altered States of Consciousness

Marc Wittmann, Philippa Hurd

November 7, 2023

Curious Minds

Perry Zurn, Dani S. Bassett

September 6, 2022


Imaging Neuroscience is an open access non-profit journal. The scope of the journal includes research that significantly contributes to the understanding of brain function, structure, and behavior through the application of neuroimaging, as well as major advances in brain imaging methods. The focus is on imaging of the brain and spinal cord, in humans and other species, and includes neurophysiological and neuromodulation methods.

Neurobiology of Language provides a new venue for articles across a range of disciplines addressing the neurobiological basis of speech and language. Offering open access publishing, rigorous double-blind peer review, and quick turnaround times for authors, the journal aims to facilitate the replicability of experimental findings through modern open science requirements such as sharing of raw data and detailed methods.

Neural Computation disseminates important, multidisciplinary research in theory, modeling, computation, and statistics in neuroscience and in the design and construction of neurally inspired information processing systems. This field attracts psychologists, physicists, computer scientists, neuroscientists, and artificial intelligence investigators working on the neural systems underlying perception, emotion, cognition, and behavior, and artificial neural systems that have similar capabilities. Powerful new experimental technologies being developed by the BRAIN Initiative will produce large, complex data sets, and rigorous statistical analysis and theoretical insight will be essential for understanding what these data mean. Timely, short communications, full-length research articles, and reviews focus on advances in the field and cover all aspects of neural computation.

Network Neuroscience features innovative scientific work that significantly advances our understanding of network organization and function in the brain across all scales, from molecules and neurons to circuits and systems.

Positioned at the intersection of brain and network sciences, the journal covers empirical and computational studies that record, analyze or model relational data among elements of neurobiological systems, including neuronal signaling and information flow in circuits, patterns of functional connectivity recorded with electrophysiological or imaging methodology, studies of anatomical connections among neurons and brain regions, and interactions among biomolecules or genes. The journal aims to cover studies carried out in all neurobiological systems and all species, including humans.

The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience investigates brain-behavior interactions and promotes a lively interchange among the mind sciences. Contributions address both descriptions of function and underlying brain events and reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the field, covering developments in neuroscience, neuropsychology, and cognitive psychology.