Ghostly Apparitions

Ghostly Apparitions

Happy Halloween! We hope that your Halloween includes candy, costumes, and…ghost stories!

Open Access Week II

Open Access Week II

Our first Open Access Week post came from Charlie Schweik, author of Internet Success. Today, we have Peter Suber author of Open Access, part of our MIT Essential Knowledge Series.

Columbus Day: Ten Minutes with Nicolás Wey Gómez

Columbus Day: Ten Minutes with Nicolás Wey Gómez

For Columbus Day, we thought we’d ask Nicolás Wey Gómez, author of The Tropics of Empire: Why Columbus Sailed South to the Indies, to share with us some thoughts on “the Discoverer.”

Janet Yellen: Federal Reserve Chair Nominee

Janet Yellen: Federal Reserve Chair Nominee

Earlier today, President Obama announced his nomination of Janet L. Yellen to be the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, succeeding Ben Bernanke. If confirmed by the Senate, Ms. Yellen would become the first woman to lead the central banking system of the United States.

Centennial Reflections on the American Assembly Line

Centennial Reflections on the American Assembly Line

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the American assembly line. And by this day in 1913, 140 workers were placed along a 150-foot chassis line at Highland Park, a Ford Motor Co. plant located just north of Detroit that became the first automobile production facility to implement the assembly line. David Nye, author of America’s Assembly Line, shares these thoughts and reflections on the centenary and the continuing evolution of the assembly line: