
2001: The Elusive Quest for Growth

2001: The Elusive Quest for Growth

It’s day 39 of our 50th anniversary series! The following is an excerpt from Devashish Mitra’s review of The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists’ Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics by William R. Easterly. The review was published in the April 2002 issue of the Southern Economic Journal.

1999: Mapping Boston

1999: Mapping Boston

Carole Horne, general manager of Harvard Book Store, reflects on Mapping Boston edited by Alex Kriegerand David Cobb for day 34 of our anniversary series:

Gamer Gift Guide: The Warcraft Civilization

Gamer Gift Guide: The Warcraft Civilization

Searching for that special holiday gift for the gamer on your list? Not satisfied by buying them the latest game?  The MIT Press will feature several of our “gamer” titles throughout the holidays.

1998: America’s Achilles’ Heel

1998: America’s Achilles’ Heel

For day 32, Clay Morgan, Senior Acquisitions Editor, Environmental Studies, Political Science, Bioethics, reflects on America’s Achilles’ Heel: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Terrorism and Covert Attack by Richard A. Falkenrath, Robert D. Newman, and Bradley A. Thayer:

1997: Financial Modeling and 2006: The Chinese Economy

1997: Financial Modeling and 2006: The Chinese Economy

Emily Taber, Assistant Acquisitions Editor, Economics, Finance, and Business, writes about Financial Modeling by Simon Benninga and The Chinese Economy: Transitions and Growth by Barry Naughton for day 31 of our 50th anniversary series.

Shop for Good

Shop for Good

With the nation’s largest retailers planning to open up earlier than ever for Black Friday, many stores are anticipating the arrival of a record number of shoppers. This makes Black Friday the perfect time for people to “shop for good.”

1995: City of Bits

1995: City of Bits

We hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Our 29th post in the 50th anniversary series is a particularly prescient passage from City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn by William Mitchell: