Artificial Intelligence Series
The purpose of the MIT Press Series in Artificial Intelligence is to provide people in many areas, both professionals and students, with timely, detailed information about what is happening on the frontiers of artificial intelligence and computer science in research centers all over the world. This series is no longer active, and the MIT Press is no longer accepting proposals for books in the series.
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Artificial Intelligence at MIT
Expanding Frontiers
ISBN: 9780262526401
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: June 22, 1990
The broad range of material included in these volumes suggests to the newcomer the nature of the field of artificial intelligence, while those with some background in AI will appreciate the detailed...
AI in the 1980s and Beyond
An MIT Survey
ISBN: 9780262570770
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 12, 1989
This collection of essays by 12 members of the MIT staff, provides an inside report on the scope and expectations of current research in one of the world's major AI centers. The chapters on artificial...
From Images to Surfaces
A Computational Study of the Human Early Visual System
ISBN: 9780262571852
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: November 18, 1981
The projection of light rays onto the retina of the eye forms a two-dimensional image, but through combining the stereoscopic aspect of vision with other optical clues by means of some remarkably effective...
Turtle Geometry
The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics
ISBN: 9780262510370
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: July 9, 1986
Turtle Geometry presents an innovative program of mathematical discovery that demonstrates how the effective use of personal computers can profoundly change the nature of a student's contact with mathematics....
A System for Representing and Using Real-World Knowledge
ISBN: 9780262561679
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 17, 2003
The system presented in this book consists of two more-or-less independent parts. The first is the system's parallel network memory scheme; the second part of the knowledge-base system presented here is NETL, "a vocabulary of conventions and processing algorithms—in some sense, a language—for representing various kinds of knowledge as nodes...
Model-Based Control of a Robot Manipulator
ISBN: 9780262511575
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: April 7, 1988
Model-Based Control of a Robot Manipulator presents the first integrated treatment of many of the most important recent developments in using detailed dynamic models of robots to improve their control....
Visual Reconstruction
ISBN: 9780262524063
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 17, 2003
Visual Reconstruction presents a unified and highly original approach to the treatment of continuity in vision. It introduces, analyzes, and illustrates two new concepts. The first—the weak continuity...
Object Recognition by Computer
The Role of Geometric Constraints
ISBN: 9780262571883
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 17, 2003
This book describes an extended series of experiments into the role of geometry in the critical area of object recognition.
The Interpretation of Visual Motion
ISBN: 9780262710114
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 22, 1979
This book uses the methodology of artificial intelligence to investigate the phenomena of visual motion perception: how the visual system constructs descriptions of the environment in terms of objects,...

Artificial Intelligence at MIT
Expanding Frontiers
ISBN: 9780262526401
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: June 22, 1990
The broad range of material included in these volumes suggests to the newcomer the nature of the field of artificial intelligence, while those with some background in AI will appreciate the detailed...
AI in the 1980s and Beyond
An MIT Survey
ISBN: 9780262570770
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 12, 1989
This collection of essays by 12 members of the MIT staff, provides an inside report on the scope and expectations of current research in one of the world's major AI centers. The chapters on artificial...
From Images to Surfaces
A Computational Study of the Human Early Visual System
ISBN: 9780262571852
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: November 18, 1981
The projection of light rays onto the retina of the eye forms a two-dimensional image, but through combining the stereoscopic aspect of vision with other optical clues by means of some remarkably effective...
Turtle Geometry
The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics
ISBN: 9780262510370
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: July 9, 1986
Turtle Geometry presents an innovative program of mathematical discovery that demonstrates how the effective use of personal computers can profoundly change the nature of a student's contact with mathematics....
A System for Representing and Using Real-World Knowledge
ISBN: 9780262561679
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 17, 2003
The system presented in this book consists of two more-or-less independent parts. The first is the system's parallel network memory scheme; the second part of the knowledge-base system presented here is NETL, "a vocabulary of conventions and processing algorithms—in some sense, a language—for representing various kinds of knowledge as nodes...
Model-Based Control of a Robot Manipulator
ISBN: 9780262511575
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: April 7, 1988
Model-Based Control of a Robot Manipulator presents the first integrated treatment of many of the most important recent developments in using detailed dynamic models of robots to improve their control....
Visual Reconstruction
ISBN: 9780262524063
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 17, 2003
Visual Reconstruction presents a unified and highly original approach to the treatment of continuity in vision. It introduces, analyzes, and illustrates two new concepts. The first—the weak continuity...
Object Recognition by Computer
The Role of Geometric Constraints
ISBN: 9780262571883
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 17, 2003
This book describes an extended series of experiments into the role of geometry in the critical area of object recognition.
The Interpretation of Visual Motion
ISBN: 9780262710114
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 22, 1979
This book uses the methodology of artificial intelligence to investigate the phenomena of visual motion perception: how the visual system constructs descriptions of the environment in terms of objects,...