Yrjo Jahnsson Lectures
The Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation was established in 1954 by Mrs. Hilma Jahnsson, in accordance with the wishes of her deceased husband, Professor Yrjö Jahnsson. Yrjö Jahnsson was not only an academic but also a versatile entrepreneur. The Jahnssons’ wealth accumulated in the 1920s and 1930s through successful real estate investments. The Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation is now one of the largest grant-awarding foundations in Finland. The purpose of the Foundation is to develop and support Finnish research in economics and medical science. In 1963 the board of the Foundation launched a special series of Yrjö Jahnsson Lectures in economics. The aim of the Lectures is to offer an internationally renowned economist a forum to synthesize and develop novel research ideas, and to offer the Finnish economics community firsthand access to the latest scholarly developments.
Series editor: Arto Alho