STEM Books

Support Publications by Women and Underrepresented Groups in Science and Technology

Donations from friends like you support the publication of new books by and about women and underrepresented groups in science and technology. On Thursday, March 12, your gift goes further than ever.

The MIT Press has a long and rich history of publishing important books by and about underrepresented groups in STEM fields. Our unparalleled track record continues this year with works like The Alchemy of Us by Ainissa Ramirez and Data Feminism by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein.

Inspired by these pathbreaking authors and titles, a generous alumnus is challenging donors to give to the MIT Press Fund for Diverse Voices during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge. If twenty-five people make a donation to the Press on March 12, the alumnus will give $15,000. If an additional twenty-five people donate, the alumnus will give $10,000 more. All gifts to the Press will support new books by and about unrepresented groups in science and technology.

Your help is critical to our success.

Donate today.