All Americans who cherish our freedom of the press should be grateful to Joe Spear, one of the country's best investigative journalists, for this excellent book. It is a gold mine of never-before-told inside stories, shocking scandals, and entertaining anecdotes - some hilarious, some frightening, all interesting, which together give us the incredible account of how the government routinely deceives, misleads, and lies to the public and the press.
Cleveland Amory
Finally, someone has put together the complete and chilling story of how the Nixon administration tried to subvert the First Amednment. It's a lesson we should never forget.
Congressman Les Aspin
After reading this book, any reader will know a great deal more about how little the President, any President, wants him to know and about how skillfully the President's men manage too much of the news. this is the right year for Joe Spear's book, and not only because it's an election year.
Nat Hentoff, Columnist, Village Voice