These reading lists showcase the breadth and depth of our publishing program. Each collection highlights a specific theme that is central to the mission of the MIT Press and provides access points for you to engage deeply with our books and journals.
Books about MIT
While the MIT Press is perhaps best known internationally for our field-defining academic work, some of our most special and personal titles are the ones that bring MIT's people, spaces, and unique culture to the world, and to our wide network of alumni and supporters.
Books by MIT faculty and staff
MIT-affiliated authors publish field-defining works that launch new fields of inquiry, cast spotlights on much-needed change in the world, and translate the latest research from academia.

Open Access Week

Open Climate Collection
The MIT Press presents the Open Climate Collection, a curated reading list of open access books and journals that expands our understanding of climate change and environmental studies.
Award-winning MIT Press titles
MIT Press authors, books, and journals regularly receive some of the most prestigious academic and literary prizes in the world. There are over thirty MIT Press authors recognized with Nobel Prizes, and MIT Press books have recently received PROSE Awards, Choice Awards, and more.
Common reads
LGBTQ+ titles
We are proud to amplify queer writers and scholars with a growing list of books on topics critical to the LGBTQ+ community. These interdisciplinary titles defy tidy categorization, offering challenging, provocative, and transformative scholarship at the intersections of queer theory, science, technology, sociology, literature, and beyond.
Diverse voices in STEM
Understanding pandemics and epidemics
As the global community confronts the COVID-19 pandemic, access to knowledge and research is more urgent than ever. This selection of titles on pandemics, epidemiology, and related topics is now freely available.
Open Architecture and Urban Studies
This robust digital collection of classic and previously out-of-print architecture and urban studies books is available on MIT Press Direct and through PubPub. The collection was funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of the Humanities Open Book Program, which they co-sponsored with the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The MIT Press extends the legacy of the Bauhaus—from the many books on the topic that we publish to our legendary colophon, created by Muriel Cooper.
The study of sex and sexuality
We've gathered our peer-reviewed and rigorous scholarship that ask critical questions about the nature of sex, science, technology, and society.