Everyone is talking about our increased vulnerability to information warfare. Gregory J. Rattray puts this danger in an analytic and historical context that tells us what we can and should do about it.
Joseph S. Nye, Dean, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
This excellent analysis is essential reading for anyone concerned with the defense posture of the United States. All those with a stake in the security of the information infrastructure should read it. There is nothing else like it.
Dorothy Denning, Department of Computer Science, Georgetown University
One of the most thoughtful and thorough books on the subject so far.
Seymour E. Goodman, Professor of International Affairs and Computing, Georgia Tech
This book is the first comprehensive exploration of the strategic significance of information system vulnerability. Important reading for anyone trying to understand the full potential of cyber warfare.
Ashton B. Carter, Ford Foundation Professor of Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, and Co-Director, Harvard-Stanford Preventive Defense Project