Managers of Global Change provides a welcome return to careful attention to the possibilities and patterns of organizational agency.
Global Environmental Politics
… this book will … be of interest to scholars in other fields, and practitioners who want to understand sources of and constraints on bureaucratic influence. … The authors' findings are intriguing, and will help to advance the study of this area of world politics.
Review of International Organizations
… the book … fills the gap in our knowledge on how these bureaucracies operate and compare. It is insightful in highlighting the role that international bureaucracies do play in international negotiations and how they may, in some circumstances, shape international negotiations.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
Managers of Global Change certainly offers a vast empirical overview of the performance of global environmental bureaucracies, a number of interesting insights about their functioning, and a solid intellectual and theoretical basis for guiding future studies on how international bureaucracies influence the decisions, norms, and administrative frameworks that govern policymaking around the world.
Managers of Global Change reveals deep insights on international bureaucracy combining perspectives from sociological institutionalism organization theory and international relations. Students scholars and practitioners alike will benefit from this comprehensive study of environmental governance. A must-read!
Norichika Kanie, Department of Value and Decision Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology