This is a sparkling collection of recent policy writings by a most brilliant and versatile scholar, as well as a passionate and upright advocate of free trade and democracy.
Otto Graf Lambsdorff, former German Minister of Economics
Jagdish Bhagwati is that rare economist who thinks broadly and writes clearly. His high intelligence, lively style, and good humor are all in evidence in this collection.
Fareed Zakaria, Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs
In A Stream of Windows a most eminent economist of our times once again shows himself to be an outstanding opinion shaper and communicator for the benefit of the citizens of our global village.
Arthur Dunkel, former Director General of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Jagdish Bhagwati is a giant among trade policy scholars. This book provides ample evidence for that assertion. The reader will be beguiled and informed by Bhagwati's rare combination of profound insight, mischievous wit, and elegant presentation.
Sylvia Ostry, Canadian Ambassador for Uruguay Round and Prime Minister's Personal Representative for the Economic Summit
Provocative and insightful, Jagdish Bhagwati's collection of policy writings presents a free trade agenda, based on solid theoretical grounds, that will surely be influential in the years to come.
Jaime Serra, Mexican Nafta Chief Negotiator
Although Mr. Bhagwati may be best known as a proponent of open trade, this volume will enhance his reputation as a proponent of open societies, in which free markets exist in a context of free human beings.... Anyone who reads this engaging description of the ways the world works will emerge a lot less confused and at least a little more optimistic.
Adrian Karatnycky
Wall Street Journal