In Life Support, Michael McCally and his colleagues provide a superb and authoritative road map for the emerging environmental health movement. the issues dealt with are the most pressing issues of our time. We need true scientists to provie direction, and McCally has assembled their best and most authoritative judgments here.
Michael Lerner, President, Commonweal
...presents the evidence that humans, through our own actions, now threaten the global environment that we all need to survive.
James E. Cone, M.D.
This book does much to focus attention on some immediate threats to ecosystem and human health, an excellent reference.
Joseph Grzymski
Nature Medicine
In Life Support, Michael McCally and 26 medical colleagues shine a spotlight on the often neglected but crucial connections between human and environmental health. Addressing topics as diverse as air and water pollution, climate change, cancer, emergent diseases, and the impacts of warfare, these experts show the multiple dimensions in which a healthy environment supports human well-being—our life-support system indeed. This book should be required reading for both medical professionals and environmentalists.
Anne H. Ehrlich, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University
Life Support presents the most pervasive and challenging environmental health problems of our times. The blend of cross-cutting concepts such as the precautionary principle, risk assessment, vulnerability, and equity, with the persistent and emerging global health threats of climate change, transboundary pollution, and biodiversity loss gives the book its uniqueness. Taken as a whole, it offers a starkly realistic view of the state of our world upon which our health depends, and offers a guidepost for achieving solutions.
Jonathan Patz, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health