GalaxiesOr Graur Father NatureJames K. Rilling The LineJames Boyle SerendipityTelmo Pievani, Michael Gerard Kenyon Daydreaming in the Solar SystemJohn E. Moores, Jesse Rogerson, Robert J. Sawyer Beautiful MathChris Bernhardt Attention Is DiscoveryAnna Von Mertens Architecture Follows FishAndré Tavares Ghost ParticleAlan Chodos, James Riordon, Don Lincoln Off-EarthErika Nesvold Weapons in SpaceAaron Bateman The Science of Weird ShitChris French, Richard Wiseman Going BigChristopher W. Stubbs Splinters of InfinityMark Wolverton The Blind SpotAdam Frank, Marcelo Gleiser, Evan Thompson Mysteries of the DeepJames Lawrence Powell ImperfectionTelmo Pievani, Michael Gerard Kenyon, Ian Tattersall Her Space, Her TimeShohini Ghose Our Ancient LakesJeffrey McKinnon Inside the Star FactoryChris Gunn, Christopher Wanjek An Infinity of WorldsWill Kinney