Connecting with our community
For more than 60 years, the Press has been a vital part of the MIT community—a dedicated hub on campus for ideas, scholarship, and conversation.
We continue to foster our community connections through the MIT Press Bookstore; campus events with sought-after authors and luminaries; publishing collaborations throughout the Institute; and digital initiatives.
Continue reading to learn more about our community outreach and check out the generous discounts available to the MIT community.
The MIT Press Bookstore
The MIT Press Bookstore, founded in 1980, is one of the only retail bookstores owned and operated by a university press. Located on campus—right across from the Admissions Office—the Bookstore offers books and journals published by the Press as well as a curated selection of other publishers' books in related fields, including art and architecture, computer science, cognition, neuroscience, and linguistics.
The MIT Press Bookstore is committed to serving all ages and features a full children’s section dedicated to fostering a love of non-fiction and learning in our younger generations.
Local events
With the MIT Press Bookstore as our footprint on campus, we have worked with partners across the Institute, including the MIT Libraries, the MIT Museum, the Koch Institute, MIT Open Space Programming, and more, to create inspired and inspiring talks, panels, and conversations featuring MIT Press authors. We also participate in community celebrations like the Boston Book Festival and Cambridge Science Festival. Join us at an upcoming event, or sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about exciting local activities.
Campus Collaborations
The MIT Sloan School of Management
- Management on the Cutting Edge Series - Featuring books by leading lights in academia and industry like Tom Davenport, Elizabeth Altman, Ron Adner, Lynda Gratton, Satish Nambisan, Yadong Luo, Gerald Kane, and best-selling books like Work without Jobs by Ravin Jesuthasan and John W. Boudreau, this series explores the digital frontiers of management and provides practical advice for business leaders who need to understand and prepare for the exciting–and challenging–future that awaits us.
- The Digital Future of Management Series - Carefully curated collections of articles from Sloan Management Review magazine to explore core topics like how to navigate the next age of disruption or how AI will transform our work.
The MIT Technology Review
- Twelve Tomorrows is an annual anthology of science fiction short stories published in partnership with Technology Review. Each volume includes original stories that explore the role and potential impact of developing technologies in the near, and not-so-near future. Nature says the series is “‘hard’ sci-fi at its best,” while Locus writes, “These books are always something to look forward to.”
MIT Open Publishing Services (MITops)
Through MITops, we offer professional publishing support for open access content from MIT faculty and students. Projects include:
- An MIT Exploration of Generative AI: From Novel Chemicals to Opera - Introduced by MIT President Sally Kornbluth, these papers from MIT faculty and researchers explore the potential of generative AI.
- The MIT Case Studies in Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing from the Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing - About one-third of all MIT undergraduates now encounter these original SERC materials in their courses every year.
- Computing the Future: A Decade of Innovation at MIT CSAIL by Daniela Rus and Adam Conner-Simons celebrates CSAIL's 10th anniversary and showcases its impact on a multifaceted set of computing disciplines.
Amplifying diverse voices on campus
In 2021, the MIT Press released The Uprising, a documentary short about the unprecedented behind-the-scenes effort that amassed irrefutable evidence of differential treatment of men and women on the MIT faculty in the 1990s. Directed by Ian Cheney and Sharon Shattuck, the film premiered on the MIT Press’ YouTube channel, and is now openly distributed.
Books for children and teens
In 2021, the MIT Press launched two joint imprints with Candlewick Press – MITeen and MIT Kids Press. Featuring engaging and ambitious books for children and young adult readers, these titles cover topics ranging from planetary science to the internet and the environment.
Featured works include Ada and the Galaxies, a picture book by Alan Lightman, a professor of the practice of the humanities at MIT; the lively middle-grade Your Hidden Life Series from entomologist Eleanor Spicer Rice, the first volume of which was called “entertaining, often amusing, and sometimes disgusting” by School Library Journal, which named it a nonfiction book of the year; and Discovering Life’s Story: Biology’s Beginnings, the first in a four-volume series about the history of biology by bestselling author Joy Hakim that was named one of the year’s best books for children by the Wall Street Journal.
Building a sustainable future
Sharing the mission of MIT, the MIT Press strives to bring world-changing knowledge to minds, hands, and hearts around the globe where it has the greatest potential for social impact. To ensure that we continue to push the boundaries of publishing for the public good for decades to come, we have established the MIT Press Fund for the Future.
Generous support of our MIT Press funds contributes to open access innovation, high quality design, and diverse voices in publishing initiatives to enliven communities, ignite debate, and spread new knowledge.