Category: Featured Books

Featured book: Get Off My Neck by Debbie Hines

Featured book: Get Off My Neck by Debbie Hines

A deeply revealing exposé of the American prosecutorial system and its historic and present racial inequities—and how we can transform the system to one of fairness and justice.

Featured book: Her Space, Her Time

Featured book: Her Space, Her Time

The inspiring stories of long-overlooked women physicists and astronomers who discovered the fundamental rules of the universe and reshaped the rules of society.

A conversation with Kat Mustatea, author of Voidopolis

A conversation with Kat Mustatea, author of Voidopolis

Mustatea discusses her book Voidopolis—a hybrid digital artistic and literary project in the form of an augmented reality book, which retells Dante’s Inferno as if it were set in pandemic-ravaged New York City.

Featured book: Defending Animals

Featured book: Defending Animals

Defending Animals offers an in-depth look at the urgent struggle to protect animals from harm, cruelty, injustice, extinction, and their greatest threat—us.

Featured book: On Disinformation

Featured book: On Disinformation

A powerful, pocket-sized citizen’s guide on how to fight back against the disinformation campaigns imperiling American democracy.