Linguistic Inquiry Monographs
These monographs present new and original research beyond the scope of the article. We hope they will benefit our field by bringing to it perspectives that will stimulate further research and insight. Originally published in limited edition, the Linguistic Inquiry Monographs are now more widely available. This change is due to the great interest engendered by the series and by the needs of a growing readership.
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When Arguments Merge
ISBN: 9780262549103
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 15, 2024
A novel theory of argument structure based on the order in which verbs and their arguments combine across a variety of languages and language families.
Principles of Argument Structure
Principles of Argument Structure
A Merge-Based Approach
ISBN: 9780262548274
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: September 17, 2024
A new theory of argument structure, based on the syntactic operation Merge and presented through an in-depth analysis of properties of the English passive construction.
On Linearization
Toward a Restrictive Theory
ISBN: 9780262544955
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 7, 2023
The first attempt at a restrictive theory of the linear order of sentences and phrases of the world's languages, by one of the founders of cartographic syntax.
Syntax in the Treetops
ISBN: 9780262543491
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: May 3, 2022
A proposal that syntax extends to the domain of discourse in making core syntax link to the conversational context.
A Selectional Theory of Adjunct Control
A Selectional Theory of Adjunct Control
ISBN: 9780262542852
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 19, 2021
A novel, systematic theory of adjunct control, explaining how and why adjuncts shift between obligatory and nonobligatory control.
A Theory of Indexical Shift
Meaning, Grammar, and Crosslinguistic Variation
ISBN: 9780262539210
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 13, 2020
A comprehensive overview of the semantics and syntax of indexical shift that develops a constrained typology of the phenomenon across languages.
Probes and Their Horizons
ISBN: 9780262538275
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: February 25, 2020
A comprehensive theory of selective opacity effects—configurations in which syntactic domains are opaque to some processes but transparent to others—within a Minimalist framework.
Features of Person
From the Inventory of Persons to Their Morphological Realization
ISBN: 9780262535618
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 23, 2018
A proposal that person features do not have inherent content but are used to navigate a “person space” at the heart of every pronominal expression.
When Arguments Merge
ISBN: 9780262549103
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 15, 2024
A novel theory of argument structure based on the order in which verbs and their arguments combine across a variety of languages and language families.
Principles of Argument Structure
Principles of Argument Structure
A Merge-Based Approach
ISBN: 9780262548274
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: September 17, 2024
A new theory of argument structure, based on the syntactic operation Merge and presented through an in-depth analysis of properties of the English passive construction.
On Linearization
Toward a Restrictive Theory
ISBN: 9780262544955
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: March 7, 2023
The first attempt at a restrictive theory of the linear order of sentences and phrases of the world's languages, by one of the founders of cartographic syntax.
Syntax in the Treetops
ISBN: 9780262543491
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: May 3, 2022
A proposal that syntax extends to the domain of discourse in making core syntax link to the conversational context.
A Selectional Theory of Adjunct Control
A Selectional Theory of Adjunct Control
ISBN: 9780262542852
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 19, 2021
A novel, systematic theory of adjunct control, explaining how and why adjuncts shift between obligatory and nonobligatory control.
A Theory of Indexical Shift
Meaning, Grammar, and Crosslinguistic Variation
ISBN: 9780262539210
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 13, 2020
A comprehensive overview of the semantics and syntax of indexical shift that develops a constrained typology of the phenomenon across languages.
Probes and Their Horizons
ISBN: 9780262538275
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: February 25, 2020
A comprehensive theory of selective opacity effects—configurations in which syntactic domains are opaque to some processes but transparent to others—within a Minimalist framework.
Features of Person
From the Inventory of Persons to Their Morphological Realization
ISBN: 9780262535618
Publisher: The MIT Press
Pub Date: October 23, 2018
A proposal that person features do not have inherent content but are used to navigate a “person space” at the heart of every pronominal expression.