Celebrating the end of the year by reflecting on our authors’ accomplishments
The year’s awards season has been kind to MIT Press authors and their work. We are thrilled to highlight just some of the accolades that have been granted to our authors recently. To be the first to hear about award announcements like these and other news from the Press, sign up for our newsletter.
The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another by Ainissa Ramirez
Winner of the Sally Hacker Prize 2021
Bronze Medal from the 2020 Foreword Reviews Book Awards in the Science & Technology category
Winner of the Connecticut Book Award for Non-Fiction
CRISPR People: The Science and Ethics of Editing Humans by Henry T. Greely
Choice 2021 Outstanding Academic Title
Irony and Sarcasm by Roger Kreuz
Choice 2021 Outstanding Academic Title
On Photographs by David Campany
Choice 2021 Outstanding Academic Title
The Contamination of the Earth: A History of Pollutions in the Industrial Age by François Jarrige and Thomas Le Roux
Choice 2021 Outstanding Academic Title
The Beauty of Chemistry: Art, Wonder, and Science by Philip Ball
Choice 2021 Outstanding Academic Title
The Mind: Consciousness, Prediction, and the Brain by E. Bruce Goldstein
Choice 2021 Outstanding Academic Title
The Raven’s Hat: Fallen Pictures, Rising Sequences, and Other Mathematical Games by Jonas Peters and Nicolai Meinshausen
Choice 2021 Outstanding Academic Title
Dressing Up: The Women Who Influenced French Fashion by Elizabeth L. Block
The Association of Dress Historians’ Aileen Ribeiro Image Grant
The Association for Art History Image Grant
The Pasold Research Fund grant
The Ends Game: How Smart Companies Stop Selling Products and Start Delivering Value by Marco Bertini and Oded Koenigsberg
Shortlisted for The Leonard L. Berry Marketing Book Award from the American Marketing Association
Free Berlin: Art, Urban Politics, and Everyday Life by Briana Smith
Selected for a Millard Meiss Publication Fund Award
Documentary in Dispute: The Original Manuscript of Changing New York by Berenice Abbott and Elizabeth McCausland by Sarah M. Miller
Winner of a Photography Network Book Prize
The Charisma Machine: The Life, Death, and Legacy of One Laptop per Child by Morgan G. Ames
Winner of the 2021 Computer History Museum Prize from SIGCIS
Winner of the Sally Hacker Prize 2020
Carrie Mae Weems edited by Sarah Elizabeth Lewis
Winner of a Photography Network Book Prize
Open Strategy: Mastering Disruption from Outside the C-Suite by Christian Stadler, Julia Hautz, Kurt Matzler and Stephan Friedrich von den Eichen
Shortlisted for the Thinkers50 2021 Strategy Award
Energy at the End of the World: An Orkney Islands Saga by Laura Watts
2021 Rachel Carson Prize by the Society for Social Studies of Science