1962: Thought and Language; 1981: Mind Design; and 1983: The Modularity of Mind
October 27, 2012
We’re covering three books for day 6 of our 50th anniversary series.
October 27, 2012
We’re covering three books for day 6 of our 50th anniversary series.
October 26, 2012
October is LGBT History Month. Last Friday, we posted an excerpt from Abdellah Taia’s An Arab Melancholia. Today’s post is an excerpt from an interview with Marion Scemama in Sylvère Lotringer and Giancarlo Ambrosino’s David Wojnarowicz: A Definitive History of Five or Six Years on the Lower East Side.
Our Open Access Week celebration ends with a guest post from Gaëlle Krikorian, coeditor of Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property (Zone Books).
We’ve grouped a couple of books for day 5 of our 50th anniversary series.
October 25, 2012
It’s day 4 of our 50th anniversary series. Here’s an excerpt from John B. Thurston’s review of the first edition of Norbert Wiener’s Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (1948). The review appeared in the April 23, 1949 issue of The Saturday Review of Literature:
October 23, 2012
For day 2 of our 50th anniversary series, Production Coordinator Kate Elwell dug up a few Production facts about Steen Eiler Rasmussen’s Experiencing Architecture:
October 22, 2012
We’re posting this week’s Election Tuesday piece a bit early because it directly relates to the final presidential debate. David L. Phillips, author of Liberating Kosovo: Coercive Diplomacy and U. S. Intervention, discusses the candidates’ stances on foreign policy and urges them to consider important lessons from America’s recent experiences.
It’s Open Access Week! We’ll feature guest posts from a few of our authors to celebrate Open Access throughout the week. Today’s post is by John Willinsky, author of The Access Principle:The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship.
This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the MIT Press, a milestone that has us reflecting on the significance of our work. I hasten to add that “our work” refers to the efforts of a very large community of authors, book and journal editors, peer reviewers, researchers, freelancers, publishing partners, as well as current and former MIT Press staff.
October 16, 2012
What does social learning have to do with presidential elections? Mark Earls, coauthor of I’ll Have What She’s Having, explains.